Just because we are super exclusive about the ingredients in our vegan rolling papers, we are super inclusive about who they are for. Cannabitch is for everyone! We know that boss bitches come in all shapes, sizes, and identities. We are a woman-owned and operated company, and we love to celebrate all things female empowerment, but we want our papers to be shared with everyone, whether or not they identify as a womxn! Not only do our chemical-free hemp rolling papers burn great, but they also come in awesome, artistic packages that happen to feature some boss babes. Right now, a lot of us are spending a lot more time inside. While you’re stuck inside, here are a few key people you can share our Cannabitch vegan rolling papers for weed with (just make sure you each roll your own joint)!
If you have a roommate, you probably have one of two types of relationships with them: you’re either best friends and already share everything with each other, or you each have claimed your own territory within the house that you rarely stray from, and talk to each other in passing as you go about your busy lives. Regardless, right now is the perfect time to extend a tiny, white paper flag of friendship to the person or persons you share your living space with!
If you are of age to legally smoke cannabis in your state, hopefully, your parents are open to learning about Cannabitch’s awesome vegan rolling papers! We have a fun name guaranteed to make your folks giggle, eye-catching packages with fun phrases on them, and most of all, are high-quality rolling papers with no chemicals or animal by-products!
Cannabitch Vegan Rolling Papers just so happen to be my boyfriend’s favorite papers! He may have rolled his eyes a little the first time I showed him the package, but became a quick convert after his first joint roll! Now is the best time to share your favorite cannabis rolling papers with someone you love, if you haven’t already converted them to Cannabitches already! We aren’t just full of ourselves when we say that our papers are super non-harsh, practically tasteless, even-burning, and won’t keep going out on you as you smoke. Who have you shared our Cannabitch vegan rolling papers with? We want every person who enjoys cannabis to experience a smoke sesh with our papers in their pocket! Yeah, they happen to be vegan, but that doesn’t mean that steak-eaters can’t use our papers, too! Yeah, they happen to have boss babes on the cover, but that doesn’t mean that our papers are only for people who identify as female! No matter your age, race, profession, or gender identity, we know there’s a Cannabitch in everyone!
You wouldn’t lick horse bones, so why would you lick and smoke a joint made out of them? Most people learn at a very young age to not eat glue because it’s made out of inedible, and sometimes toxic, materials. Despite this, most rolling papers feature mystery glues made out of various animal by-products and come from factories not inspected or regulated by the FDA. Shouldn’t your rolling paper be food quality, non-toxic, and not filled with chemicals and random dead animal parts?
Even if you’re not vegan, your rolling papers should be. It seems like these days you can find rolling papers in any shape, size, color, and made out of wacky, unique materials. But why was it so hard to find papers that weren’t filled with chemicals and actually smoked well? Our name and mission seek to show that womxn of all identities use cannabis while still being competent and professional, and our quality rolling papers show that you can have a great-smoking joint without having to use cheap, hazardous, or animal-derived materials. How rolling papers are made Cannabitch vegan rolling papers are made in very much the same way most other rolling papers are made, except we are a bit more selective when it comes to the ingredients in our papers and where they are made. We chose an FDA-approved factory in the USA to ensure a high-quality product. There, our custom pulp blend and vegan glue is crafted into the perfect paper and wrapped up in a badass package. Our vegan rolling papers are made from a custom blend of wood and hemp pulp. This blend ensures that the papers are stiff enough in your hands to easily roll, smoke evenly and slowly without any toxic additives like titanium oxide or calcium carbonate, and also save a few trees by including hemp fiber. There are many different kinds of rolling paper materials, but we are confident that our custom blend is at the perfect middle ground of smokability and sustainability. Our unbleached wood and hemp rolling papers are pressed and dried extra thin so that you barely notice anything but the taste of your bud. Why vegan glue One of the best things about our rolling papers is the thin strip of vegan glue that brings it all together. We chose a glue of 100% gum arabic, over one made from animal parts or mystery chemicals, because we didn’t want to inhale anything but plants when we smoke. Many companies use gums derived from animal by-products or chemicals, which may provide a quick and strong stick, but introduces toxic chemicals and general nastiness when inhaled. Cannabitch vegan rolling papers are made from nothing but plants, so your smoking experience is as easy on your lungs as possible. How to roll the perfect Cannabitch joint
Women are busy. After a long day of working, running around kids, or running a company it’s hard to find the motivation to head straight to the gym. For many women, self-care ends up being the easiest thing to put on the back burner. So often we’re faced with the question, relaxation or working out? A smoke session or the gym? Both are forms of self-care serving very different purposes and it turns out a relationship between cannabis and exercise may be closer than we think.
Less than thirty percent of all Americans achieve the recommended amount of exercise each week. With numbers this low and cannabis legalization happening around the country – questions began to circulate around a possible link between the two. Researchers found quite the opposite of what many would assume. A relationship between cannabis and working out yielded better results – working out more often and most importantly, actually enjoying it. The generalization of cannabis users is of course the couch potato, overeating, and unproductive. While there isn’t much scientific literature regarding cannabis and exercise, there have been a few relative studies proving this theory absolutely wrong. Some like, the research published in Frontiers in Public Health, have shown that cannabis users are actually linked to lower BMI’s and increased levels of exercise. Out of the 600 individuals that were surveyed, more than 80% reported using cannabis within an hour of beginning a workout or within four hours of ending one. Many people tend to shy away from weekly exercise for the obvious reasons – it’s uncomfortable, the treadmill is boring, or they flat out just don’t like it. However, people that used marijuana within four hours of a workout reported feeling more motivated and felt higher levels of enjoyment during their workout. According to researchers, this could potentially be caused by the activation of pathways involved in feeling reward and pain response in the brain. Is anyone else beginning to think joints may need to be added to your workout regimen? After all this is your self-care, it should be catered to you. Knowing a perfectly rolled joint is waiting for you post-workout will leave you feeling motivated and rewarded. While few puffs prior to working out will help you feel more relaxed and will definitely help cure that gym boredom. It may even push you to go the extra mile on the treadmill, literally. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2019.00099/full |
April 2020
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